LANSING, MI (WKZO AM/FM) — The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is urging low-income households to take advantage of a new program for people who do not have access to water in their homes to ensure safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Low-income Michigan residents who lack access to water in their homes for washing and disinfecting surfaces, or need a plumbing repair, can contact their local Community Action Agency.
Officials say that, as part of Michigan’s Coronavirus Relief Funding, the MDHHS Water Repair Assistance Program will provide access to hot and cold water and at least one functioning toilet, shower, kitchen faucet and laundry tub.
Funding is available from now until Wednesday, December 30.
“At MDHHS, we are doing what we can to keep people safe during the pandemic and make sure income limitations – some of which are the result of COVID-19 – don’t prevent them from protecting their families,” senior deputy director of opportunity for MDHHS Lewis Roubal said in a statement. “Benefits of this program will remain long after COVID-19 by providing eligible households sustained access to water that everyone deserves.”
The Water Repair Assistance Program provides a variety of water repairs from interior and exterior plumbing work, including well and septic repairs for rural households.
To ensure that the program reaches as many households as possible with certified plumbers, MDHHS is asking Michigan plumbers that can take on additional work to contact the Bureau of Community Action and Economic Opportunity at