COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – The search for a new Coldwater Board of Public Utilities Director led the City Council on Monday night to give pay raises to City Attorney Megan Angell and City Manager Keith Baker in order to keep Coldwater wages competitive with neighboring communities.
Council member Travis Machan also serves on the B.P.U. Board of Directors. They interviewed a pair of candidates to succeed Jeff Budd as the B.P.U. Director last week and Machan suggested the pay increases on Monday.
Audio PlayerHe motioned that Baker’s wage be increased by $7,000 a year and Angell’s salary go up by $5,000 a year effective on January 1. Mayor Tom Kramer backed Machan.
Audio PlayerKramer said other communities are in the same boat.
Audio PlayerThe City Manager and the City Attorney are the only employees whose salaries are overseen by the Council.