LANSING, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – Former Michigan House Speaker Lee Chatfield is accused of sexual abuse of a teenager.
A criminal complaint has been filed by his now sister-in-law who alleges Chatfield abused her over the course of more than a decade, dating back to when she was just 15-years-old. According to the complaint, Chatfield was a teacher, soccer coach, and athletic director at the school where the alleged abuse started.
The Michigan State Police have taken over the investigation from the Lansing Police Department where the initial complaint was filed.
After finishing his term in the State House, Chatfield was hired last January by the economic development organization Southwest Michigan First its new CEO but had to resign several weeks later after taking criticism for policy stances while a legislative leader, such as when he opposed legislation that would expand civil rights protections to include gender identity and sexual orientation in 2019, saying at the time he believed it would infringe on religious freedom.
Southwest Michigan First provides economic development services in a seven county area, which includes Kalamazoo, Calhoun, Branch, St. Joseph, Cass, Van Buren, and Berrien counties