Happy New Year to all readers; thanks for sticking with me this year, a year when I wrote more columns (36) than ever before. I thank all who have read, whether you agreed with my opinions or not, and I appreciate that many have taken the time to share your opinions with me.
Since my columns are not on a regular schedule, some people have asked to be notified when I publish; if you’d like to be notified, email me (rantsbymac@gmail.com) and I’ll be happy to add you to the list.
I’ve made my resolutions for next year. I hope to do better. With that in mind, I would like to suggest a few resolutions to people who, in my opinion, should also resolve for an improved 2025. Let’s get to it:
To Joe B,
Finish your term with competence and class,
No last-minute left-leaning issues to pass.
Like forgiving some billions in old college loans
Or pardoning more folks, throwing them bones.
To the Donald,
Quit tweeting or truthing or whatever you do,
And quit lying, denying, and saying you’ll sue.
Be presidential, and play to the role that you won,
And remember we don’t all have a billion.
To members of Congress,
Find one good idea from the opposite side,
It’s good for the country, it could turn the tide.
Stop investigating one another, and instead legislate.
And knock off all the hypocrisy, the inaction, the hate.
To Democrats,
Stop promising your voters you’ll make everything free
Without mentioning that there is always a fee.
And quit demonizing every thing that leans right
And being so thin-skinned all day and all night.
To Republicans,
Remember that Americans got you elected,
So, please work for us all, not just a few selected.
And don’t pledge allegiance to any one man,
Show some intellect and backbone, we believe that you can.
To voters,
It’s sad that we’re already looking ahead
To four years from now and by whom we’ll be led.
Why don’t we all take at least the next year
And forget politics while we get our heads clear?
To Americans,
As we celebrate holidays and give thanks for this year,
And share love with our families for all we hold dear,
It’s wise to remember that some may not share
What we may take for granted, for our blessings are rare.
Abundance is not measured by the funds we acquire,
But instead, it’s what’s in our hearts, it’s that fire
To help others less blessed, or with an unfulfilled need,
Who might need a slight nudge, or just a good deed.
So, let’s hope that we’re all parts of the same team,
And that Scrooge got it right as he ended his dream.
Charity, forbearance, and mercy should grow,
And if we all pay it forward, we’ll reap what we sew.
Happy New Year to all. We’ll see you next year,
I hope you’ll keep reading, and that my writing will be clear.
I wish for the best and for a future that’s bright
For Americans all, whether you lean left or lean right.
Happy New Year!!
Curt MacRae is a resident of Coldwater, MI, and publishes opinion columns regularly.
Tweets @curtmacrae — comments to rantsbymac@gmail.com