COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – With the warmer weather here, Coldwater City Manager Keith Baker is reminding residents to make sure their properties are being properly maintained.
Residents are reminded that yards should be kept free of junk and mowed no higher than six inches long.
Vehicles should be parked on improved driveway surfaces and not in the front yard.
If you have a pet, must sure your yard is sufficiently picked up so as to not create a nuisance to the neighbors. Baker also reminds everyone that porches should be kept free of indoor furniture and junk.
Those found in violation are given time to correct things.
In addition, the city’s monthly brush pick up will begin on Monday, April 5 and continue on the first Monday of each month through October. Rules for the placing of brush at the side of the road can be found at the City’s website,
Weekly yard waste pick up will also begin on Monday, April 5. Yard waste can only be placed out by the road in paper bags. Yard waste and brush can also be taken to the City’s Municipal Services yard at 45 Industrial Avenue.