JACKSON, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – Since the storm system first hit Tuesday night, Consumers Energy officials say their crews have restored 110,000 customers over the last 24 hours and expect to restore power to another 100,000 customers in the next 24 hours, speeding up the response to one of the 10 largest storms in company history.
“We’re working tirelessly and safely to bring the lights back on for our friends and neighbors,” said Guy Packard, Consumers Energy’s vice president for electric operations.
“We continue to be grateful for the patience of our and the help of crews from across the country. We have over 550 crews from Michigan and seven states working around the clock today, and we are confident we can make significant progress to restore power.”
In addition to Consumers Energy crews and others from Michigan, lineworkers today are joining the effort from seven states, including New York, Tennessee and Missouri. Restoration work is expected to extend through the weekend.
About 240,000 Consumers Energy customers were without power as of 10:30 a.m. today.
Customers can report an outage and check the status of outage by visiting www.ConsumersEnergy.com/OutageCenter.