COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – The Coldwater City Council will be asked on Monday night to set a January 23 public hearing for a proposed rehabilitation project for 53 East Chicago Street.
An application was made to the city on December 8 for an Obsolete Property Rehabilitation Abatement Certificate from Donner Properties, LLC.
The Obsolete Property Rehabilitation Act Committee reviewed the proposed project on December 21 and recommended its approval for the 12 years requested.
Certain criteria have to be met or exceed expectations of the City of Coldwater OPRA Policy.
Donner Properties is proposing an investment of $250,000 which would exceed the minimum requirement of $50,000.
The Coldwater Planning Commission approved a Special Land Use Permit request for the property last March.
Corey Donner told the Planning Commission at that time the two-story structure, which has been called a neglected building, will be fully renovated creating five residential units.
The property used to be the Colbeck Law Office building. The property has not been used for multiple dwelling units since 2012.
The Planning Commission approval included a condition that a formal parking plan be submitted.
The building is within the Downtown Historic District and had be undergoing renovations which were approved by the Historic District Commission