STURGIS, MI (WTVB) – Bronson had five runners finish in the top 13 as the Vikings won the boys championship on Saturday at the Sturgis Kiwanis Invitational. The Vikings finished first with 43 points followed by Three Rivers with 58 points and Marshall with 100. Quincy had two runners in the top four and finished sixth in the boys meet standings.
Rhett Reif with a time of 16:45 was the top finisher for Quincy as he crossed the line third followed by his teammate Jacob Reif in fourth place.
Bronson’s Luis Ortiz was fifth with a time of 17:32.2. Also finishing in the top 15 for the Vikings were Ashton Wells (7th), Aden Hathaway (8th), Reagan Mayer (10th) and Ben Thomas Grate (13th).
Marshall dominated the girls race as they had six of the top seven runners and won with only 19 points. Sturgis was second with 69 followed by Three Rivers with 78. Bronson finished fourth while Quincy was fifth.
Bronson’s Grace Welch (21:31.6) was eighth while Sidney Swick was ninth. Quincy’s Avery Rufenacht (21:56.8) was 12th.