COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – During Monday’s meeting of the Coldwater Board of Education, Superintendent Paul Flynn updated the board, and the public, on the building issue that caused the temporary evacuation of some classrooms at Coldwater High School last week.
“It was a broken pipe to a heating unit in a classroom that backed up water in floor drains. The science classrooms have floor drains in them, like the chemistry room will have an emergency shower if kids get anything on them, and that drains right into the floor. A lot of times those drains don’t get water down in them and get other stuff down in them, and so when water was flowing in there, that backed those pipes up into two classrooms. And there was some bubbling up of dirt and grime, but at no time was there any raw or human sewage or biological hazard.”
Affected classes were located to other locations in the building, like the library, cafeteria, and other classrooms, while custodians and maintenance workers worked on the drains. A plumber was brought in after school hours to tend to the catch basins underneath the drains. CHS Principal Dr. Steven Hope sent emails to students and staff last Thursday and Friday with information on the incident.
Officials at the Branch-Hillsdale-St. Joseph Community Health Agency took notice:
“Word did get to the Health Department, and I had a very nice conversation with one of the Directors from the Health Department and explained what we were doing, and he said that it sounded like we were doing everything that we could and should be doing. So he was just happy to be a part of the conversation, and we included him on the emails that we sent out, and any other health-related emails that we send out will include the Health Department as well.”
All in all, Flynn called it a good learning experience.