COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – ProMedica Coldwater Regional Hospital says it’s well prepared with the needed supplies to treat any patients who come in that have potential Covid 19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus.
Dan Schwanke, the President of ProMedica Coldwater shared the hospital’s readiness status to treat patients that potentially have the disease when he spoke yesterday morning at the meeting of the Coldwater Early Bird Exchange Club.
According to Schwanke, his facility had a stockpile of supplies while ProMedica as a system then purchased more supplies and then dispersed them out to its regional hospitals. As a result, he told the Club that he feels very comfortable that they have the appropriate masks, gowns, and everything for its patients in Coldwater.
Schwanke added that the infection risk from Covid 19 in a rural community like Coldwater is very low but then said he thinks people in the state of Washington felt that way too. He stressed ProMedica Coldwater is not taking the situation lightly and is very, very serious about its preparations.
At last word, nine people in Washington State had died from Covid 19, while the World Health Organization said Wednesday that the disease has now infected more than 90,000 people globally.
(reporting by Jim Whelan)