COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – The Burnside Center in Coldwater is once again helping seniors who want to make changes to their Medicare Part D prescription plans. Medicare Part D Open Enrollment is now taking place until December 7.
The Branch County Commission on Aging has counselors available from the Medicare Medicade Assistance Program at the Burnside Center to help Branch County seniors review their Part D options.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, things will run a little differently this year. Phone appointments will be available but there will be no in-person appointments.
Burnside Center Executive Director Amy Duff says “We know that it will be a challenge to conduct these appointments over the phone, however keeping seniors as well as our staff and volunteers safe from COVID-19 is a top priority for the Commission on Aging.”
MMAP counselors are not affiliated with any insurance companies and cannot sell anything; they simply help those interested find options to make the best decisions.
This is a free and unbiased service available to all Branch County seniors.
To schedule an appointment for your prescription plan review, call the Burnside Center at 279-6565.