COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – The Coldwater City Council will be asked on Monday night to pass a resolution which would support and cooperate with the Downtown Development Authority’s application to the Michigan Main Street Select Level program.
The City of Coldwater has been looking at becoming a Michigan Main Street Community for just over a year. It’s hoped grants from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation program can be used to help small local businesses in the downtown area.
Coldwater Economic Development Assistant Audrey Tappenden said in her letter to the Council that if selected for the Select Level program, the D.D.A. would be responsible for implementing the program and would agree to its minimum participation standards.
Tappenden recently said part of the application would include draft resolutions of support from the City Council and the D.D.A. as well as other letters of support from the community.
The proposed Main Street area in Coldwater would generally cover the area bordered by Pierson, Washington, Jefferson and Taylor streets.