EAST LANSING, MI (WTVB) – While practice for winter sports for Michigan high schools will be allowed to start on Saturday as previously announced, the first competitions for four sports considered “contact” sports won’t be until February 1.
Under the updated epidemic order announced Wednesday by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, the “non-contact” sports of girls gymnastics, bowling along with swimming and diving will be allowed to begin competition before the end of the month. Swimming and diving competitions can start next Friday January 22 with gymnastics and bowling competitions starting on January 25.
The Winter contact sports of basketball, competitive cheer, hockey and wrestling may begin indoor practices Saturday with non-contact activities. Their first competitions are scheduled for February 1.
Masks will be required of all participants except when they are actively participating in gymnastics and swimming & diving. The MDHHS has ordered that spectators be capped at 100 persons in school gyms or 250 in stadiums and arenas.
Because of the later start to competition schedules in the contact sports, the MHSAA will adjust its tournament dates for those four to conclude on later dates than what is currently scheduled. The tournament dates will be announced later this week.
“We are glad to have three more sports join skiing in returning to full activity, but we understand the disappointment and frustration on the part of our athletes and coaches whose sports are not yet able to restart completely,” MHSAA Executive Director Mark Uyl said. “We will continue to adjust schedules to provide all of our winter teams as substantial an experience this season as possible, as part of our greater plan this school year to play all three seasons to conclusion.
Additionally, spring sports teams and fall teams not participating in the MDHHS rapid testing pilot program may begin four-player workouts and resume conditioning January 16 but only with non-contact activities.