COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – Three special land use permit requests from proposed Adult Use Recreational Marijuana Retail Establishments were approved by the Coldwater Planning Commission on Monday night.
The first was from Birds of a Feather LLC is for an existing 50-year-old commercial structure at 894 East Chicago. City Planner Dean Walrack says the structure and parking lot are in a wooded area and largely screened from adjacent sites.
The second request was from JABBS, LLC for an establishment at 553 East Chicago Street. Walrack says this property was previously used as a parking lot for Coldwater Recreation Lanes which was demolished to accommodate the construction of the Dairy Queen fast food restaurant in 2019. He adds a new building and expanded parking area are to be constructed.
The two requests were approved on 8-1 votes with Planning Commission member Dave Rumsey voting no both times.
The final request was from Revolution Strains, LLC for an establishment at 710 East Chicago at the southeast corner of U.S. 12 and I-69. It was approved on a 9-0 vote. Revolution Strains requested permission to operate from a central suite of the commercial strip development which is currently occupied by Malibu Tan. The applicant has dropped plans to operate out of the Super Grand Buffet suite in the same development.