COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – The Branch County Board of Commissioners are scheduled to take formal action during their meeting on Tuesday afternoon after a $4-and-a-half-billion settlement was reached with Purdue Pharma concerning their alleged role in the opioid crisis.
The settlement was discussed with Commissioners during a half hour closed session on Thursday morning. Commissioners came back into open session and decided to bring forward a formal vote on how the attorneys representing the county should proceed.
The Commissioners decided almost three years ago to join other Michigan cities and counties in an lawsuit against 21 drug companies, distributors and pharmacies in an attempt to get back expenses from the national opioid crisis.
The Detroit law firm of Sommers and Schwartz worked on behalf of Branch County.
Sommers and Schwartz attorney Lisa Esser said at the time there were 268 opioid overdoses in Branch County between 2013 and 2016.
She added the administration of Narcan is a cost that could be recouped as part of the litigation.