BRONSON, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – Like most festivals and large events, the Bronson Polish Festival was put on hold last year. The 51st festival returns, though, this weekend, with the Opening Ceremonies and Kick-off set for tonight.
While various restaurants and community organizations will be serving Polish food throughout the day today, the main event tonight begins at 6:30 p.m. at the St. Mary’s Assumption Catholic Church gymnasium. It will include the crowning of the Polish Festival king and queen and the rest of the court.
Friday is Kids Day at Douglas Park. The annual fireworks show has been moved from Thursday to Friday night at dusk. Among the highlights Saturday are a car show, garden tractor show, volleyball and softball tournaments, truck pulls, the Festival Parade at 1:00 p.m., and a polka dinner and dance at St. Mary’s Saturday night.