UNION CITY, MI (WTVB) – Union City Schools Superintendent Chris Katz says in a letter that has been posted on the district’s Facebook page that the district intends to return to a normal school routine for the 2021-2022 school year.
He said they intend to emphasize increased cleaning and sanitation at school as well as promoting hand washing and other measures to reduce the spread of any illness.
Katz says masking will be a choice parents and staff member will make. While the C.D.C. has recommended students and staff who have not been vaccinated should wear a mask, it is not an order.
He added right now there are no orders, regulations or rules directing their actions as a district in regards to COVID-19.
Students will return to school on Tuesday August 24th, 2021. Back to School Open Houses will be held in all of the district’s buildings on Thursday, August 19th.