UNION CITY, MI (WTVB) – Union City Community School District voters approved both millage questions that were on the Tuesday ballot.
Unofficial vote totals show the Operating Millage Renewal Proposal passed 596 to 199 while the Sinking Fund Millage Renewal Proposal was adopted 556 to 241.
The school district covers Union and Sherwood Townships as well as a small area of Burlington Township in Calhoun County.
Union City school officials say a few of the items that could be addressed with sinking millage funds include the replacement of the aging middle school boiler as well as the resurfacing of the high school parking lots and replacing the worn out bleachers at Alumni Field.
The approval of the sinking fund proposal will allow the school district to continue levying the building and site sinking fund millage that expires with the 2021 tax levy. The vote was for three mills over 10 years between 2022 and 2031, Voters originally approved 3.5 mills in 2015.
Voters also approved the renewal of the current authorized millage rate of just over 17.7 mills for 10 years from 2022 to 2031.
It’s the estimated the revenue the school district will collect with the 17.7252 mills being levied in 2022 is just under $847,000.