COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – Union City Village Manager Chris Mathis told the Michigan South Central Power Agency Board on Thursday that insurance should cover most of the damage caused by the electrical explosion inside the village’s DPW/Electric building on July 20.
He said it will help pay for most of a new substation they were planning to put in anyway.
Mathis said they were lucky no one was injured. Village employees were in other rooms when the main switch gear for the Village’s electrical system blew up and caused a fire inside of the building.
The entire village lost power for nine hours following the blast and fire that day. A permanent fix to the electrical system was then performed on July 24 which lasted 13 hours.
The power had to be turned off in Union City that day in order to make the permanent repairs as crews had to replace systems that were nearly 100 years old.
(Photo courtesy of Village of Union City)