COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – The Branch County Board of Commissioners were told on Tuesday about the difficulties Consumer’s Energy crews had in getting power restored in the Quincy and Marble Lake area last weekend.
A storm which hit with no warning on Friday night at about 6:00 p.m. caused a considerable amount of damage at two campgrounds and at the Quincy Golf Course as numerous trees and power lines were knocked down.
Nearly 4,700 Consumer’s Energy customers in Branch County lost power at the height of the outages. Power was not fully restored until Sunday night.
Branch County Emergency Management Coordinator Tim Miner said the storm covered a relatively small area but hit a significant part of Consumer’s infrastructure.
Consumers Energy Community Affairs Manager Greg Moore said a 46,000 volt transmission line was knocked down and four of their pole top assemblies were completely destroyed.
He added that seven spans of copper wire had to be replaced. Consumer’s had their helicopters in the air between Coldwater and Reading on Tuesday to examine power lines to see if any more damage needs to repaired.
No injuries were reported from the Friday storm. The Quincy Golf Course reopened for business on Tuesday.