COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – Faulty wiring in the ceiling of the living room is being listed as the probable cause of a house fire which caused nearly $40,000 worth of damage Thursday night at 22 Sheridan Street in Coldwater.
The fire at the two story single family home owned by Max Kinyon was reported at 8:44 p.m..
The home was occupied at the time but there were no reports of any injuries.
The damage took place in a first floor living room and a bedroom on the second floor.
The Coldwater Fire Department got automatic mutual aid from the Quincy Fire Department when the fire was reported.
Crews found smoke coming from the front of the home when they arrived. Firefighters got into the home and found fire in the ceiling of the living room.
It took about 20 minutes to get the fire under control. Fire crews remained on the scene until 12:12 a.m. on Friday morning.
The estimated damage to the home is $25,000 while there was $15,000 worth of damage to the contents of the home.
LifeCare Ambulance also assisted at the scene.