COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – Branch County Register of Deeds Nancy Hutchins will be retiring as of February 4.
A three member committee consisting of Branch County Clerk Terry Kubasiak, Prosecuting Attorney Zach Stempien and Probate Court Judge Kirk Kashian are required to appoint Hutchins’ replacement who will hold office until a successor is elected.
The Register of Deeds position will be on both the August Primary and November General Election ballots for a two year term expiring on December 31, 2024.
The committee is seeking qualified candidates to fill the vacant position until after the 2022 General Election is certified.
Applicants who are a qualified elector in Branch County, experienced in land records and deeds, has the ability to serve on various statutorily created commissions and committees and who has a understanding of county government governance and procedure are preferred.
The Register of Deeds is required by statute to obtain a bond. Any applicant must be eligible to be bonded.
If you are interested in the position, submit a resume to the Branch County Clerk’s Office, 31 Division Street, Coldwater, MI.
Resumes will be collected until 12 noon on January 14, 2022.
A public meeting of the committee will be scheduled to evaluate the applicants and determine the appropriate appointee.