COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – The Branch County Association of Realtors® held their annual Christmas Party and Benefit Auction in December at The Broadway Grille.
BCAR members and local businesses donated items which were auctioned and raffled off to the party goers.
Through their bidding and donations, BCAR raised just over $13,000 which was distributed to the following charities:
Beginnings Care for Life supports people who are faced with life decisions, including pregnancy & parenting & offer help, truth & hope in the form of resources, referrals & training in parenting, healthy relationships, life skills & spiritual growth.
The Branch Area Food Pantry distributes food to approximately 320 families each week.
Branch County’s Child Advocacy Center offers community-based, child-friendly, multidisciplinary services for children and families affected by abuse.
The Branch County Department of Health & Human Services which used the funds to purchase Christmas presents for foster children.
Branch County Literacy Council addresses the problem of illiteracy in our area through free one-on- one tutoring programs to enhance reading, writing & spelling skills.
The Branch County Veterans Footlocker gives food & essential items to Branch County veterans.
Coach Eby Youth and Family Center whose mission is to bring hope, education, recreation & inspiration to youth & families of Branch County.
Community Unlimited provides enriching opportunities for families with a focus on early childhood & helping youth achieve academic goals & community involvement.
Family Promise of Branch County works with churches, community organizations & caring individuals in our community to provide meals, overnight housing & other vital services to homeless women, children & families.
Girls on the Run stated the donation “will help 5 girls receive scholarships for the Spring 2022 season”.
Kimball Camp YMCA Nature Center has a rich history of providing a camping experience for the children of the community that dates back to the early 1900s.
Tommy’s House provides “a limited number of women battling addiction a safe, secure Christ centered environment; offering housing, counseling & support services to gain skills necessary to live a substance free life.”