COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – A request from Sheriff John Pollack to have a corrections officer who was on leave return to work for the Sheriff’s Department was approved Tuesday by the Branch County Board of Commissioners.
The correction officer took a Leave of Absence to try out another job because Pollack said he wasn’t sure he was going to like it.
The employee was interested in one of the available Sargent positions and will come back at the Tier 2-one year level of over $21 per hour rather than move to the next highest level in the sergeant pay scale as outlined in the County Personnel Policy.
In other business on Tuesday, the Commissioners approved a request from Sheriff Pollack to hire a marketing firm to help with recruiting new employees.
They also approved a request from Commission on Aging Director Amy Duff to increase the hours of the In-Home Services Assistant position to 20 hours per week effective next Tuesday, March 1, 2022.