BRANCH COUNTY, MI (WTVB) – The alleged Spring of 2022 continues.
Just a few days before the merry month of May, Branch County is included in a Freeze Warning that has been issued by the National Weather Service from 2:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. Wednesday morning as sub-freezing temperatures are expected in portions of northern Indiana, southwest Michigan and northwest Ohio.
Clear skies are also expected as Branch County’s overnight low is expected to dip into the upper 20s.
You should take steps to protect tender plants from the cold.
Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing.
To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly.
This comes after highs this past Saturday got into the low 80s.