COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – The Coldwater City Council introduced an ordinance on Monday night that would allow police to crackdown on so called exhibition driving in the city.
City Attorney Megan Angell said staff has had recent discussions of a need for increased traffic enforcement.
She said while there are several laws available for reckless or careless driving, Public Safety Director Joe Scheid and Deputy Director Pat Beeman thought there would be an advantage to adding a local ordinance against exhibition driving.
Scheid says they have gotten complaints from all over the city especially from those who live near parks.
The proposed ordinance on exhibition driving prohibits rapid acceleration, squealing, peeling or burning of the tires, fishtailing, racing or running of the engine at a excessive or unusual noise, unnecessary and excessive changing of lanes; and the emission of anything unreasonably loud or unnecessary from the engine or exhaust system of any motor vehicle..
If the Council approves the ordinance during their next meeting on May 23, 2022, it would go into effect 21 days later.