COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – An instructor pilot and a student passenger were injured Friday afternoon in an aircraft accident at the Branch County Memorial Airport.
Airport Manager Joe Best said a Great Lakes biplane was trying to land when something went wrong and the plane flipped over.
(Photo courtesy of Joe Best)
The plane is manufactured by WACO Aircraft Corporation out of Battle Creek.
According to Best, the plane was trying to land in the grass next to a asphalt runway when the landing gear apparently dug into the grass.
The plane flipped over but the pilot and the passenger were not ejected as they both wore restraints.
They managed to get out safely and were walking around when rescue crews arrived. They were taken to ProMedica Coldwater Regional Hospital for treatment.
The Branch County Sheriff’s Department, Life Care Ambulance, along with firefighters from Coldwater and Bronson were dispatched to the airport at 2:42 p.m. Friday afternoon.
The F.A.A. and the National Transportation Safety Board were both notified and are investigating.
It was the first such incident at the airport since of February of 2020 when a plane being operated by a student pilot crashed and slid off a runway