COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – The Legg Middle School volleyball teams opened their seasons against Harper Creek on Tuesday night.
The 8th grade A team lost 12-25, 14-25. The team was lead by Savannah Hayward with 5 points, one ace, one assist and one kill. Kinley Brown had 3 points, 2 aces and one dig. Aubrey Gebbink and Kaitlyn Senyk each had 2 kills. Isabella Angeline had 3 points with 2 aces. Temperance Boyd recorded 2 digs.
The 8th grade B team lost to Harper Creek losing the first two sets 23-25, 22-25, and winning the final set 15-12. Leading the team in serving was Kinley Cummings who was 6 for 8 with 4 aces. Breanna Smith was 7 for 8. Khole Tyler was 8 for 10. Khole Wohlgamuth was 5 for 8 and Khole Tawdul was 4 for 6.
The 7th grade A Volleyball team defeated Harper Creek 25–18, 15–25, 15–13. At the service line Coldwater was 40–56, Audi Bucklin was 11-12 with 3 aces, Alana Houtz 6-7, Kelsey Price 5- 7 with one ace, Alyise Dally 5- 8 with three aces, Elizabeth Vogler 3-4, Maddie McCullough 4-6 with two aces, Adyson Qualls 6-11 with three aces. Backrow play was lead by Bucklin 9 digs, Makiya Hoover & Dally 4 digs each, Qualls & Vogler 3 digs each, Caydee Marske and Harper Morrill 2 digs each and Lily Scheidler 1 dig. Audi Bucklin had 3 kills followed by Lily Scheidler with 1.
The 7th grade B team lost all three sets against Harper Creek. Leading the Lady Cards was Breanna Smith serving 6/8, with 4 aces, Gemma McVicker was 4/5, 1 ace and 1 hit, Abigail Paul was 3/4 with 2 aces, Maria Aguirre 2/3 with 1 ace and Claire Stroup was 2/2.