COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – The Community Action Agency has started the transition of nutrition services for seniors to the Branch County Commission on Aging. Community Action and the Commission on Aging have formed a partnership to ensure a smooth transition. During this transition period, Community Action will continue to distribute Home Delivered Meals and Congregate Meals programs through December 31, 2022, when the Branch County Commission on Aging will be fully staffed to take over the program for the community.
Commission on Aging Executive Director Amy Duff says, “We are grateful for the support from the Community Action in making this a smooth transition for our staff and Branch County seniors who use the service. We’re excited to add these programs to our repertoire and plan to expand the program that Community Action has created.”
Community Action Agency Chief Operations Officer Charles Asher stated “Community Action is committed to continuing nutrition services for Branch County Seniors without interruption. Entering into a partnership with the Branch County Commission on Aging is the best way to successfully achieve this transition. Community Action has enjoyed meeting the nutritional needs of seniors in Branch County these past years.”
For the remainder of 2022, the meal programs for existing home delivered meals, congregate meals, and restaurant voucher clients will be administered the same way that they have been. Clients will get the opportunity to meet new staff from the Commission on Aging before the program transitions in January. New referrals to these programs will continue to be handled by Community Action’s staff and volunteers until the transition time.