COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – Officials with the City of Coldwater say a Instagram account, @TownofColdwater, is fake and they are encouraging residents to report it to Instagram.
They say the account has been impersonating the City and its related organizations and departments.
A statement from the City of Coldwater says they do not support or endorse any post made on the account.
The City of Coldwater’s official social media accounts are as follows:
o City of Coldwater: @CityColdwaterMI
o Coldwater Board of Public Utilities: @CBPUColdwaterMI
o City of Coldwater: @CityColdwaterMI
o Coldwater Recreation Department: @ColdwaterRecreation
o Coldwater Public Safety Police & Fire: @ColdwaterPublicSafetyPoliceAndFire
o Coldwater Board of Public Utilities: @ColdwaterBPU
o CBPU GIG Fiber Service: @GIGCityMI
o City of Coldwater/CBPU: @CityColdwaterMI
o City of Coldwater: @City-Of-Coldwater
o Coldwater Board of Public Utilities: @CBPUColdwaterMI
If you see information on social media or the web that appears to be from the City, do not hesitate to call (517) 279-9501 to verify the content.
You can also find public communication from the City on