COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – Coldwater Director of Public Safety Joe Scheid presented the police department’s annual report to the City Council on Monday night which included the department’s third annual Use of Force review. It’s a program that started in 2019 following an infamous incident caught on video at the Branch County Jail involving a former Coldwater Police officer which led to a federal civil rights lawsuit being filed against the city and the police department.
Officers are required to file a use of force form whenever they use force against a person.
Scheid said in his report these forms are reviewed by a supervisor to ensure that the amount of force used by an officer was reasonable in light of the subject resistance they encountered.
Larceny complaints went up from 145 in 2021 to 208 last year.
Identity thefts also went up last year in the City of Coldwater.
He added the major highlight in 2022 was obtaining the Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police Accreditation Award, which has been a two-year project.
The MACP Accreditation process is a third-party audit to make sure the police department has created and is following best policy and practice.
The entire report can be found in the City Council packet from last Monday at