Coldwater High School has named 14 Senior Scholars in the 2023 graduating class. Students earn the academic recognition of Senior Scholar by earning a high cumulative GPA value in their rigorous courses at CHS and through their ability to perform well on a national standardized test like the ACT or SAT.
A calculation is made using the combination of both areas of performance, which makes earning the Senior Scholar Award the highest level of academic recognition at Coldwater High School.
All senior scholars received a medal of academic excellence during Senior Convocation. They were also honored and recognized individually at Commencement.
Steven Covell
Steven is the son of Steve and Cheryl Covell.
Steven has been involved in many different school activities, holding may different officer positions and participating in numerous sports. Steven is currently the National Honor Society, servicing as Vice President; National Technical Honor Society; Soccer Captain for 2023, Basketball Captain for 2023, Track and Golf.
Steven has helped as a counselor for Camp Elvin from 2019 to present. At Camp Elvin, Steven helps lead a team of boys grow spiritually while engaging in numerous games, activities, walks and talks during camp. Steven is a Youth Group Leader at his family’s church and a band member.
Outside of school Steven loves to play sports, hand out with friends, go tubing, play video games and spend time with family.
After school, Steven is attending Kellogg Community School to complete his 13th year and then he will transfer to Michigan Tech University to pursue a degree in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.
Rebecca Frantom
Rebecca is the daughter of Katie and Steven Frantom.
Rebecca has been involved in CHS Interact, Band and has acted in the school’s musicals. Rebecca has also been a Girl Scout Member. In her spare time, Rebecca enjoys reading, puzzles and listening to music. Taylor Swift is one of her favorite artists.
Rebecca will be attending Central Florida to major in Forensic Science and her goal is to become a Forensic Toxicologist.
Jillian Hawver
Jillian is the daughter of Marshelle and Timothy Hawver.
Jillian is currently involved with many activities and sports at school which are Youth Engaged Prevention, Interact, Youth in Government, CHS Musical, Pep Band, Student Council, Class Council, Tennis, Art Club and National Honors Society.
Outside of school, Jillian has been a youth advisory council, attends Jamestown Church and is involved in Ignite Ministries Youth Group at the Eby Center.
Jillian enjoys reading, listening to music, spending time with family and friends, playing with her dog and cat, drawing, learning new instruments and hiking. Jillian will be returning to Philadelphia, PA for her second mission trip.
After graduation, Jillian will be attending The University of Michigan to study under their LSA branch. She will be a part of the residential college and will study in Psychology.
Heidi Katz
Heidi is the daughter of Carrie and Joseph Katz.
Throughout high school, Heidi has participated in many activities and sports such as Cross Country, Track and Field, Basketball, Marching Band, Concert Band, National Honors Society, Youth in Government, Youth Engaged in Prevention and Young Republicans.
Outside of school, Heidi has helped with the Branch County Humane Society, attended youth group at Hope Church and other churches in Branch County. Heidi has also helped with Walk A Mile In Her Shoes, Night to Shine, The Good Better Best Store, tutored SAT preparation, participated in the Turkey Trot 5K run/walk, ushered at Tibbits Opera House and helped at the Hope Café’ at the Branch County 4-H Fair.
Heidi enjoys spending time with family and friends, playing board games and running. She also likes to cook and hopes to one day have a garden of her own. Heidi also says Theology is interesting.
After high school, Heidi is attending Cornerstone University to major in Social Studies and minor in Spanish for Secondary Education. Heidi will also continue to participate in Track and Field as a thrower.
Heidi currently works at Biggby and cats are her favorite animal.
Ilsa Katz
Ilsa Kats is the daughter of Carrie and Joseph Katz, and yes, the twin sister of Heidi.
Ilsa has participated in many activities in school including Track and Field, Pep Band, Marching Band, Symphonic Band, National Honor Society, Youth in Government, Youth Engaged in Prevention, Quiz Bowl, CHS Musical and Interact.
Outside of school Ilsa has attended Hope Church and Students of Hope Youth Group.
Ilsa enjoys reading, watching TV, walking, serving her community, spending time with friends. Ilsa also considers herself a food connoisseur and is mastering her craft of crocheting while spending time with her friends.
After high school, Ilsa will be attending the University of Alabama to student Education with a concentration in Social Science and a minor in Spanish.
In the summer of 2023, Ilsa will be going on a mission trip to Costa Rica with the Hope Church; during which the group will be building a house, serving at a shelter house for women and children that are victims of human trafficking, in additional to helping with street ministry.
Alison King
Alison is the daughter of Shannon and Todd King.
Alison has been involved with the CHS Class Council, National Honors Society, Interact and the CHS Bird Squad. Outside of school, Alison has been involved with Dance Trilogy, Dance Team and a dance teacher at The Dance Factory.
Alison enjoys dancing, scrap booking, reading and spending time with family and friends.
After school, Alison will be attending Trine University to study Psychology. Alison will also be dancing on the High Voltage Dance Team. Currently, Alison is a host at Bill’s Grill House and has now started working as a server.
Julia Kirk
Julia is the daughter of Lisa and Toby Kirk.
Julia has been a member of the National Honor’s Society, Youth in Government, Interact, Balladiers, Theatre, CHS Class Council and CHS Bird Squad. Outside of school, Julia has been a lead singer in a band called The Funckles.
Julia also enjoys singing, writing, hanging out with family and friends, working at Biggby and The Willows. Julia will be attending James Madison College at MSU to manor in Political Science and Constitutional Democracy. Julia hopes this will lead her to become a Criminal Defense Attorney and someday a judge.
Karen Mancera Rodriguez
Karen is the daughter of Anna Rodriguez and Salvador Mancera.
Karen has been a member of CHS Student Council, National Honor’s Society, Interact, Varsity Soccer, Girls Volleyball and Track and Field. Outside of school, Karen has been involved in Coldwater United Soccer Club and has volunteered at Max Larsen Elementary as a teaching assistant. Karen has also partaken in pet care at the Humane Society of Branch County.
In her spare time, Karen enjoys hanging out with friends, painting, reading, walking, listening to music, group workout classes, road trips and traveling.
Karen will be attending Grand Valley State University to major in Business Administration/Management with a minor in Marketing. Karen currently works at El Taco Loco.
Aisha Mohammed
Aisha is the daughter of Eman Mohamed and Abdul Mohammed.
Aisha has been a member of Interact and The Cultural Appreciation Club.
Outside of school, Aisha has been a member of the AMS Coldwater Cultural Committee and the AMS Coldwater Women’s Committee.
In her spare time, Aisha enjoys graphic design, creating flyers, invitations and cards online to name a few. Aisha will be attending Trine University majoring in Early Childhood Education.
Shakurah Muqit
Shakurah is the daughter of Fatinah Person and Yasin Abdul-Muqit.
Shakurah has participated in many school activities such as Dress Up Days, Donation Drives and Homecoming. Shakurah also has acted in the CHS Musicals, been a member of Student Council, Track and Field and Softball.
In her spare time, Shakurah enjoys Mathematics and Art. She loves to sing, draw, act, perform, play games on her phone with allows her to solve many mathematic equations. Shakurah will continue to participate in theatre as much as she can. Shakurah will be attending the University of Michigan to study Fine Arts at the STAMPS School of Art and Design and minoring in Mathematics. Shakurah would love to be an animater someday.
Jonathan Niedzwiecki
Jonathan is the son of Kristen and Joel Niedzwiecki.
Jonathan has participated in CHS Marching Band, Youth in Government, National Honor’s Society, CHS Symphonic Band, Varsity Tennis and the CHS Quiz Bowl team. Jonathan attend Crossroads Church and Ministries, volunteers at the Good Better Best Shop and is involved in the Michigan American Legion Boys State.
Outside of school Jonathan enjoys spending time with family and friends, playing video games and is interested in Botany.
Jonathan will be attending the University of Michigan Ann Arbor School Of Engineering.
Alexandra Stewart
Alexandra is the daughter of Kristie and Reed Stewart.
Alexandra is a member of the Interact Club. She has also volunteered at the Good Better Best Store.
In her spare time, Alexandra enjoys reading, hiking and visiting new places.
Alexandra will be attending Michigan State University where she will be studying Finance.
Liam VanWagner
Liam is the son of Mallory and Byron VanWagner.
Liam has participated in Swim and Band as well as numerous activities during school for spirit weeks and donation drives. Liam has also participated in Youth and Engaged Prevention, Youth Advisory Council, National Honor’s Society and National Technical Honor’s Society.
In his spare time, Liam enjoys spending time with family and friends, reading, watching movies and traveling. Liam will be completing his 13th year at Kellogg Community College and them will transfer to the University of Michigan.
Ethan Woodcox
Ethan is the son of Sara and Michael Woodcox.
Ethan has participated in CHS Cross Country, Track and National Honor’s Society. Ethan has been an Honor Roll student all throughout high school, received a Scholarship with Distinction, National Merit Scholarship Program Letter of Commendation and Coldwater Noon Exchange Club Youth of the Month. Ethan was also very involved with a fundraiser to raise funds to the Ukrainian Refugees in 2022 and The Earthquake Relief Fundraiser in 2023.
In his spare time, Ethan enjoys reading, running and playing video games and has an interest in politics.
Ethan will be attending the University of Michigan majoring in Political Science.