EAST LANSING, MI (WTVB) – The Michigan High School Athletic Association says a total of 101 schools won one or more of the 128 team championships awarded during the 2022-23 school sports year, with three teams earning the first Finals championship in any sport in their schools’ histories.
Earning their first titles were Johannesburg-Lewiston in the Lower Peninsula Division 4 girls cross country title, Buckley in Lower Peninsula Division 4 girls track & field, Taylor Trillium Academy earned its first in Division 4 girls bowling. and Standish-Sterling in Division 3 softball.
A total of 20 schools won two or more championships this school year, led by Marquette’s six wins in girls and boys cross country, girls and boys swimming & diving and girls and boys track & field.
Next with three championships were Ann Arbor Pioneer, East Grand Rapids and Munising.
Ann Arbor Greenhills, Bloomfield Hills Brother Rice, Bloomfield Hills Cranbrook Kingswood, Bloomfield Hills Marian, Detroit Catholic Central, Flint Powers Catholic, Grand Rapids Christian, Hart, Hudson, Jackson Lumen Christi, Lansing Catholic, Manistique, Northville, Rochester Adams, Rockford and Traverse City West all won two titles.
Branch County schools were shut out from winning state titles in 2022-2023.
A total of 30 teams won first MHSAA titles in their respective sports. A total of 37 champions were repeat winners from 2021-22.
Lowell’s wrestling team owns the longest title streak at 10 seasons.
Sixteen of the MHSAA’s 28 team championship tournaments are unified, involving teams from the Upper and Lower Peninsulas, while separate competition to determine titlists in both Peninsulas is conducted in remaining sports.