COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – The Michigan Municipal League has announced that the flipping of the former Taylor’s Stationers building into the new site of the Children’s Museum of Branch County in downtown Coldwater is among the four finalists for the Community Excellence Award.
The award is said to be the most prestigious M.M.L. community honor.
Besides Coldwater, the other finalists are community projects that were submitted by Bridgman, Port Huron and Westland.
- Bridgman – The Bridgman Courtyard
- Port Huron – Port Huron’s McMorran Place Plaza Revitalization
- Westland – City of Westland: Mission to Mars Themed Playground
The Coldwater project is entitled, Explore. Learn. Grow: How a Children’s Museum Revitalized Downtown
The top four projects will compete at the League’s Convention in Traverse City between October 18 and 20.
Convention attendees will vote for their favorite project, with the project winning the most votes awarded the official Community Excellence Award during the closing general session.