It’s 2023 and a great time to be making history… Perhaps the term isn’t “making history” but “RE-making history.” In today’s political world some things that you THINK happened, never did, because our politicians have decided they didn’t. Or facts have been modified (alternative facts?) so that we all feel a little better about our past. They aren’t just making history; they are revising America’s past.
Kevin McCarthy, and the right-wing faction that he owes his speakership to, are in discussions for expunging two impeachments of former President Donald Trump. As Congress prioritizes its agenda, making two impeachments go away has reached the top of the pile for what the House of Representatives thinks America needs.
Once they accomplish that important task, they can get back to the mundane tasks of dealing with our nuclear rivals, lowering inflation and interest rates, holding Americans hostage over debt ceilings, and taking August off after working so hard for us this year.
We should all rest easier, once we erase the Donald Trump missteps, especially since he continues to threaten a national revolt if he is ever held accountable.
Many in Congress still hold that there was no incident on January 6, 2021. And all has been forgotten about the statements made directly following. After Congresspeople fled for their lives, and Mike Pence avoided being hanged, Kevin McCarthy’s statement was, “Let me be clear to you, and I have been very clear to the president. He bears responsibility for his words and actions. No if, ands or buts.” He added, “He (Trump) told me he does have some responsibility for what happened. But he needs to acknowledge that.” A week later, those strong words were forgotten.
Then, after McCarthy released 41,000 hours of video to FOX News, the non-event was proven with eight minutes of film that showed people “walking around” in the Capitol. Of course, some forgot that those people entered through broken out windows, stepping over fallen police officers, before defecating on the floors and walls of the Capitol (how do people do that?). But they were “walking around” so we call it a tour.
And let us not forget Florida, which has basically written slavery out of America’s past in their school systems. No one wants to upset white kids, who might feel bad about studying America’s racial history, so Florida is re-making history in their state to teach kids how slavery benefitted those that were fortunate enough to be owned by others. In fact, Florida’s governor, and presidential candidate, noted that some slaves learned trades, which helped them in their post-slavery lives. “…some of the folks eventually parlayed, you know, being a blacksmith into doing things later in life.”
Really, Ron? Beatings, rapes, selling slave children away from their parents, and belonging to another person were all worth the inconvenience if you got to learn a skill, like picking cotton. I can’t wait to read the history re-writes about the career-training programs that were offered to slaves. We can feel a lot better about ourselves now, as we teach our kids about all the benefits their forefathers offered their slaves.
As these guys rail against a so-called “cancel culture,” they keep cancelling the past. It makes you wonder what else today’s politicians might be able to make go away.
The same guy that touts the benefits of slavery is banning books in schools, more than 350 in the past year. Wasn’t banning books once a BAD thing? Hitler banned and burned books, including books by Albert Einstein because Einstein was Jewish. But maybe Hitler didn’t really burn books; I haven’t seen a re-write.
Many of these same folks still want to throw out recent voting results, even after it has been documented in myriad court cases that voting counts continue to be accurate.
For decades, we have heard people claim that the Holocaust and, and more recently, the tragedies at Sandy Hook and Parkland High School never happened. And even today, as people are still discounting the effects of climate change, Phoenix added to its 24-day streak of 110+ degree-days; the last six were over 115. It may be dry, but that’s still hot.
Next, they’ll tell us that there is no Bigfoot. I hope we don’t get to that.
Curt MacRae, lives in Coldwater, MI / publishes rants on rant-able topics at this site.
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