COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – A Coldwater man made a request to Branch County Commissioners during their work session last Thursday to implement an Off Road Vehicle ordinance
John Massey said golf carts are not a part of the request.
The item was put on the Commissioners work session agenda for information purposes only.
Sheriff John Pollack asked that the golf cart issue also be looked at.
Commissioners Tim Stoll and Jon Houtz felt the board should at least look at it.
Branch County Prosecutor Zach Stempien said state law dictates the specifics of Off Road Vehicle use.
A copy of the Calhoun County ORV Ordinance and a sample ordinance for Branch County was provided for review.
The matter is expected to be brought back during a future Commissioners meeting.
I agree with our Sheriff. Golf Carts should be looked at first. They have become a dangerous nuisance in some places. I also would think power chairs should be looked at. I have seen several near accidents on Chicago street from people crossing in traffic just this last summer.