COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – The Coldwater B.P.U. Board of Directors approved the purchase of 12 dual voltage transformers on Wednesday night at a cost of over $71,000.
Electric Superintendent John Springhall said the delivery of transformers continues to suffer a significant impact from the global supply chain shortages.
He said transformer lead times, that meet the CBPU specifications, vary from 28 weeks to 72 weeks.
The board approved the second lowest bid submitted by Sunbelt Solomon of Kansas after Springhall pointed out the company that submitted the low quote could not provide the quantity needed or meet the CBPU specifications.
Sunbelt Solomon was one of four companies who submitted quotes to the CBPU.
we need to get generators again so we can run the whole city in the event of a grid collapse. Getting rid of them just because they needed oil changes was the stupidest thing this city has done and that is BAD! I am sure the lucky folks that bought them are sti;; laughing about that deal!