COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – For the most part, Branch County offices have been able to operate normally during the COVID-19 pandemic. But things have changed in recent days.
It was announced on Tuesday that the Branch County District Court office on the second floor of the Courthouse will be closed until further notice after three employees tested positive for COVID-19.
The employees went into quarantine last week after they came in contact with someone who had tested positive for COVID-19.
For the time being, District Court hearings will be held over Zoom.
Meanwhile, the Branch County Register of Deeds office is closed until further notice after someone who had tested positive for the virus came into the office.
All three employees are in quarantine and are awaiting test results.
Since the office is close, those who have business with the Register of Deeds can do so online at and clicking on the Register of Deeds link.
The Branch County Courthouse remains open with COVID-19 protocols in place.