COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – The Branch County Board of Commissioners were told during their work session on Thursday that Maple Lawn Medical Care Facility and Rehabilitation does not need the first increment of a $1 million advance at this time.
It was agreed in August the advance would in increments of $250,000 with the first before the November election and the remainder afterwards.
Maple Lawn Administrator Jane Sabaitis told Commissioners they are holding their own financially.
Sabaitis added they have had an increase in the number of residents in the last couple of months thanks in part to having more staff.
They are also pursuing an Employer Retention Credit.
But it may be at least a year before Maple Lawn receives a payment.
Financial issues caused mainly by the COVID-19 pandemic led to Maple Lawn officials asking for the $1 million advance as well as a five year millage request on the November ballot.
The millage would request .99 mills and bring in over $1.6 million in the first year.
They are asking for a millage to be approved. Keep this in mind when voting! They don’t take money they don’t really need. When was the last time a government unit did that?