COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – For the second straight Branch County Communications 911 Board meeting, a representative from the Michigan State Police said on Wednesday there were problems with their radios interacting with the county’s new 700/800 megahertz radio system.
MSP First Lt. Barry Schrader brought up the radio issue last month as he pointed out the State Police radios were not communicating with the Branch County system. He said they are having officer safety issues because a patch was not working seamlessly, causing echo’s and delays. Emergency buttons were also not working. Schrader felt J and K Communications, which put together the 911 radio system, should pay for a two radio system.
Branch County Sheriff John Pollack defended the new 911 system and he denounced a perception that it was junk.
Bronson Fire Chief Scott Wilber also supported the Branch County system but added the State Police concerns will be addressed.
Following a 15 minute discussion that at times featured some frank opinions, no action was taken by the 911 Board. The matter is expected to be discussed further during next month’s meeting.