COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – Hotly contested Republican races for Sheriff, State Representative and the County Commission highlight Tuesday’s Primary in Branch County.
Michael Thyng, Robin Swartz and Fred Blankenship are running for Sheriff as current office holder John Pollack is retiring at the end of the year.
Branch County Republicans will select candidates to appear on the November General Election ballot in contested races for four of the five County Commissioner seats.
Commission Chair Tim Stoll from the third district is the only unopposed County Commissioner.
Three Branch County Commissioners are facing Primary challenges on Tuesday. Alan McClellan is being challenged by David Mansfield in the fifth district, Randall Hazelbaker is being challenged by Jessica Green in the first district while Jon Houtz is facing a challenge in district two from John Towers.
The District Four seat that is being given up by Tom Matthew is being sought by Richard Swanson, Rick Hollister and Brett Burtrum.
No Democrats filed to run for Sheriff or the County Commission.
Matthew along with Jennifer Wortz and Adam Stockford running in the Republican Primary for the 35th District State House seat currently occupied by Andrew Fink. The winner on Tuesday will face Democrat Don Hicks in November.
County Clerk Terry Kubasiak, Prosecutor Zach Stempien, Drain Commissioner Mike Hard, Surveyor Ed Reed, Register of Deeds Nikki DeLoach and Treasurer Steven Rutz are all running unopposed.
There are six millage questions on Tuesday’s ballot in Branch County including five year operating millage renewals for both the Branch County Commission on Aging and the Branch Area Transit Authority.
There is a six year renewal question of .5 mill for fire equipment and protection in Batavia Township.
In Union Township, voters are being asked to renew one mill for the purpose of maintenance and operating the cemetery and fire protection.
Quincy Community Schools residents will be voting on an 18-mill operating millage renewal.
Butler Township voters will be asked to renew sinking fund millage for five years in the Litchfield School District.