COLDWATER LAKE, MI (WTVB) – The annual Coldwater Lake Association fireworks show is scheduled to take place on Saturday night.
The barges that are employed for the show are only used one time a year.
The Association said in a post on their Facebook page that the barges are stored throughout at the winter at Coldwater Lake Marina as a gift.
The Association performs routine maintenance thanks to a group of volunteers who are organized by the Association’s Board.
More maintenance was required this year as much of the decking needed to be replaced and sealed.
The costs were taken from the general fund of the Association and is offset by fireworks donations.
Coldwater Lake Marina launches the barges every year and they are driven to Jim Snively’s house.
The Association says Snively’s residence provides easy access for the Fireworks team to load the massive arsenal and it is a short float out to the “Sunken Island” for detonation on the night of the event.
Snively oversees the transportation to the locale, observes the detonation and captains the barges return after the show is over.
The barges are then returned to Coldwater Lake Marina until the next year.